Gym 21 Evolution – Bill Jones Mr Universe

A Unique History

In the world of bodybuilding and fitness, there are a few names that stand out like shining beacons. Bill Jones, the man behind Gym 21 evolution in Liverpool and is undoubtedly one of those luminaries. With a life dedicated to the pursuit of physical excellence, Bill Jones has not only sculpted his own physique but has also nurtured a thriving community of fitness enthusiasts in Liverpool.

Early Life and Passion for Fitness

From a young age, Bill Jones displayed an exceptional passion for fitness and strength training. But it wasn’t meant to turn out that way. Originally, Bill Jones was a successful deep-sea diver and a cruel twist of fate stopped that career in its tracks. Bill’s ship was struck by a scud missile in the Persian gulf and the resulting explosion damaged both of his ear-drums. Bill would never be able to dive again. His journey into the world of bodybuilding began when he started lifting weights in his local gym at the age of 16. His unwavering dedication and relentless work ethic soon set him on the path to becoming a prominent figure in the fitness industry.

The Rise to Stardom

Bill Jones’s rise to stardom in the bodybuilding world was not without its challenges. He competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions throughout his career, including the prestigious Mr. Universe contest. With an impressive physique and an unwavering commitment to his craft, he managed to clinch the title of NABBA Mr. Universe in 1996, earning him international recognition and respect among his peers.

The Birth of Gym 21 Liverpool

After achieving his personal goals in bodybuilding and karate, Bill Jones set his sights on a new endeavour – creating a haven for fitness enthusiasts in Liverpool. In 1990, he founded Gym 21 Liverpool, a state-of-the-art fitness facility that would become a cornerstone of the city’s fitness community.While Bill Jones trained for the Mr Universe title, he worked out at Vic’s Gym at Lundie Hall, Beech street. Over time, it transpired that the current owner of Vic’s didn’t want to continue running a gym and Bill Jones arranged to take over the business. Bill revamped Gym 21 to give it the advanced L.A. style look that it has today and he created his own brand by renaming the gym as Gym 21 Liverpool. The gym concept was bound to be a success, after all, how many gyms can boast being owned by a former Mr Universe champion?

The Golden Years

Gym 21 Liverpool quickly gained a reputation for its top-notch equipment, expert trainers, and a welcoming atmosphere that catered to both seasoned bodybuilders and beginners alike. Bill’s vision was to create a space where individuals from all walks of life could come together to pursue their fitness goals, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support. Gym 21 had truly become the ‘Home of Champions’!

A Heart of Gold

Beyond his dedication to bodybuilding and Gym 21 Liverpool, Bill Jones is also known for his philanthropic endeavours. He has organized charity events and fundraisers to give back to the local community. His commitment to using fitness as a means to inspire and uplift others is a testament to his character and the values he instils in his gym.

The Legacy of a 'Mr Universe'

Bill Jones continues to inspire countless individuals through his gym and personal achievements. He remains an influential figure in Liverpool’s fitness scene, motivating others to push their physical limits and reach their full potential.


In conclusion, Bill Jones, the owner of Gym 21 Liverpool and a former Mr. Universe, is a true embodiment of passion, dedication, and community spirit. His life’s journey from a young fitness enthusiast to a renowned figure in the fitness industry serves as an inspiration to all who dream of achieving greatness through hard work and perseverance. As the years go by, Bill’s legacy in Liverpool’s fitness community continues to grow, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those he has touched.