Bill Jones on Gym Etiquette

Gym Etiquette

Gym Etiquette at Gym 21

When you’ve been going to gyms for as long as I have, you get to see a lot of good…and bad practice going on. Below, I have made a list of what I deem to be good practice and what we all hope to expect takes place at Gym 21 Liverpool. Here are gym etiquette tips:

  1. Don’t Drop Weights – Dropping weights at any height is disrespectful and dangerous. Even weights dropped from a couple of feet can land unexpectedly. It can also damage the equipment. I get that some people are pushing heavy weights and maybe it appears macho to make a loud noise at the end of the set, but dropping weights is frowned upon at ALL gyms – including Gym 21. Please be safe and respectful.
  2. Don’t Hog Machines – If you’re not using a machine, please be aware that other people might be waiting to use it. The machines are for working out on, not looking at your phone. I’ve often had to “how many more sets of conversation do you have on this mate!”
  3. Wait Your Turn – If somebody is in the middle of a set, don’t start asking them how long they are going to be. Allow them to finish their set and then ask them how many more sets they have left. If they’ve nearly finished, just wait – without casting a shadow over them. If they’ve only just started, move on or ask if you can join in.
  4. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Nobody wants to use a machine that’s covered in somebody else’s sweat – especially in these weird days of a global pandemic. If you should happen to drool like a Labrador, give the machine a wipe down once you’ve finished. If you don’t have your own towel, there are plenty of cloths at our reception desk.
  5. Respect Space – If somebody is in the middle of a set, don’t try to squeeze past them. Not only is this dangerous, it is also very rude and is likely to put them off – and spoil their set. Nobody likes to have their set spoiled!
  6. Put Dumbbells Back – Please put dumbbells back on the allocated rack – even if you didn’t find them on the rack. If everybody leaves their dumbbells on the floor, not only is this a hazard but our staff have to tidy up after you – a thankless task. Our trainers can focus on other tasks when they don’t have to follow people around, cleaning up after them.
  7. Put Plates on Stands – When you’re removing weights from a bar, please don’t just throw them on the floor. Doing so is dangerous and it means that somebody else has to pick them up after you. There are many stands throughout the gym and it’s so easy to put plates onto the provided spindles.
  8. Machines aren’t Hangers – Please don’t hang coats and other clothes on machines. People might be waiting to use a particular machine and if your hoodie is draped over it, they may feel awkward about having to ask you to move it.
  9. Strip Bars – Just because you can easily do 500 pound leg presses, doesn’t mean that everybody can. It’s all very impressive stuff, but spare a thought for the poor soul who has to remove ten 20kg plates from a machine, when they can only push 100kg. People want to workout, not waste time stripping bars and machines!

If I think of anything else regarding gym etiquette, I’ll add it here later.

All the best…Bill Jones Mr Universe.