Why Gym 21 is the Best Gym in Liverpool?

Gym 21 is the Best gym in Liverpool
Exploring Why Gym 21 is the Best Gym in Liverpool

For many years, I have claimed that Gym 21 is the best gym in Liverpool and in this article, I have decided to describe the main reasons why this is the case. For those who prefer to watch, rather than read, I have embedded a great video below.

As well as the huge 4000 feet of floorspace (main gym), Gym 21 has over three hundred state of the art machines, all designed to take your fitness goals to the next level. Obviously we also have lots of dumbbells and free-weights.

Arms (Biceps and Triceps) Machines
At the last count, there were over sixty arms machines at Gym 21 Liverpool. That means that your biceps and triceps will never be neglected and you are bound to find a suitable machine for your needs.

Chest (Pecs Machines)
At the last count, there were upwards of thirty individual chest machines at Gym 21. This means that you will easily find suitable machines, to take care of your compound and isolation exercises.

Back (Lats) Machines
At the latest count, Gym 21 had well over thirty back (pectoral) machines and as lats can sometimes be overlooked, there can be no excuses at Gym 21!

Shoulder (Deltoid) Machines
At the last inspection, we counted upwards of thirty five shoulder (deltoid) machines. The beauty of having so many machines is that we are able to cater for ALL different shapes and sizes of people.

Separate Leg Gym (Quads)
Gym 21 Liverpool has an individual ‘Legs’ room and that makes it unique from most other gyms. At the last count, we found there to be more than thirteen Leg machines and that doesn’t include the free-barbell squat racks and Smith machines!

Free-Weights and Dumbbells
Obviously we have our fair share of free weights and dumbbells at Gym 21, so it’s up to you how you decide to plan your workouts. We have plenty of barbells and two huge dumbbell racks (see the video below).

The Hexagon (Mirror) Room
No other gym has a feature quite like this and it is an idea that is unique to Gym 21 Liverpool. In the Hexagon room, you are able to see a reflection of yourself from multiple angles and therefore identify weaknesses that you might otherwise not have noticed. This room is ideal if you’re entering a competition or looking to target specific weight-loss.

Separate Ladies Room
Gym 21 has a separate ladies room, to make things more private for our female members. However, this room is open to ALL members and it contains a large array of excellent fitness machines.

Cardio (Aerobic Fitness) Room
Upstairs we have a separate cardio room and this is packed with steppers, climbers, bikes and treadmills. Most members use this room to warm up, before their main workout, whilst some people finish off in this room, after their workout.

Boxing/Fight-Club Room
Although there are no fitness classes in this room, it is an ideal place to workout, if you fancy a bit of sparring or bag work. This room has plenty of equipment and it also has a dedicated MMA ring, for sparring and the like.

It is important that you understand that 98% of Gym 21 members are just ordinary people, like you and me. It is only 2% of our members that are competitive bodybuilders, so what you will encounter is completely normal people. We have personal trainers, diet sheets and training documents and always remember that we are here to help. And that is why I am convinced that Gym 21 is the best gym in Liverpool. remember – I won the 1996 Mr Universe training only at Gym 21 Liverpool!

The article ‘Why Gym 21 is the Best Gym in Liverpool’ was written and published by Bill Jones Mr Universe on Monday 3rd June 2024 at 18:00 and it is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved.

All The Best,

Bill Jones Mr Universe.

This short video takes you on a tour of Gym 21 and shows why Gym 21 is the BEST Gym in Liverpool!